Noble, A/Sgt. Emerson T.
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Additional Information:
Life saved by Earl Weaver. Wound'd by sniper fire, broke ear drum, Oct44(Terry Noble); C. Coy(Perthonian); A/Sgt, SOS, 16Jan46
"The Earl Edward Weaver that saved my Fathers’ life is the gentleman whose picture is on the Perth Regiment of Canada website. I remember this picture vividly from youth as my Dad had it at our home,and would often talk about his friend and how he owed his life to him. My Father was in C .Coy,and the Earl he was with was CSM. Earl and my Father were very close friends,and were moving through some town in Northern Italy,when Earl spotted a German sniper under some stairs,with his rifle aimed. He yelled to my Father and shot the sniper.At the same time the German soldier had fired and the bullet went under my Dad’ s helmet and broke his ear drum. From what my Dad explained when Earl died,they were in an old stone house,and under German shell or tank fire .One of the shells dislodged a rock which killed Earl.
CSM Earl Weaver is buried in Argenta Gap cemetery.My wife and I are planning to go to Italy later this year,and I would like to send a photo of this brave mans’ grave stone to his family." Terry Noble