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Master Roll of Those Who Served

Most Regimental histories talk of battles fought, hills taken, rivers crossed and perhaps which company or platoon advanced where. Very little attention is given to the individuals who actually served. To be able to understand the true face of war, it is important to understand that individuals fight wars, and it is the individual who needs to be remembered. Ironically very few records were compiled listing the estimated 3000 persons who, at one time or another, served with the Perths during WWII.


For some time, the thought of even beginning to locate the names of these individuals seemed an impossible task. However, records have recently surfaced thanks to Mr. Grant Tipler, whose father was Major John E. Tipler, wartime adjutant of the Perths. These records, while not providing a complete list, make it possible to begin recording a good number of the individuals. The records included those who enlisted starting September 1st, 1939 until the time when the Perths were sent overseas to England. These records where augmented with records from the War Graves Commission to compile the first 1000 names.


Over time, thanks to other documentation and many e-mails which we have received, the list has grown to a respectable length of 2600 odd names.


It is hoped that, as more records become available and as persons read this page, it will become possible to compile most of the names. And while we may never be able to say with 100% accuracy that we have all the names of those who served, we should at least be able to remember most.


If you can assist us in locating names of individuals who served with the Perths during WWII, please contact us at


To view the Master Roll you can click below. To view the file you will need Excel 97 (or later) on your desktop. Excel was chosen for the ease with which it can be maintained and the ease with which users can sort on the various fields.


Click here to see Master Roll


You can view or download the key explaining abbreviations in the records as well as a list of references.


Key To The Master Roll


Gavin K. Watt, Recreated Perth Regiment Historian


Updated:  June 10, 2021


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