The Perth Regiment of Canada (Reenacted, est. 1989)
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The Perth Regiment of Canada (Reenacted, est. 1989), is a member unit of the Museum of Applied Military History Group (est. 1977). It is the mission of the Museum of Applied Military History to promote through the medium of a living history museum public interest in military history and artifacts, including the study, practice, and knowledge of all manners of military ordnance, firearms and related accoutrements, equipment, and tactics.
ENLIST NOW! Help keep the history alive!

Generally, our membership are history enthusiast, of all ages, who share a common interest in military history. Our activities include supporting local community efforts in participating in parades, lectures, static displays, and supporting local museums. Additionally, there are opportunities to participate in active blank fire demonstrations.
While it is very much encouraged, it is not an absolute necessity that members possess a firearms license. There are numerous activities, such as static displays, encampments, and parades, where firearms are not required. Additionally, there are support functions including HQ staff and stretcher bearers where firearms were not carried. However, it is strict museum policy, any person who is to use a live firearm unsupervised requires a valid firearms license.
Uniforms and equipment: “If the uniform fits!”. We do have limited quantities of complete uniforms and equipment that can be loaned out for each event provided you fit the bill. Alternatively, we can assist in pointing recruits to preferred vendors and consult on the appropriate equipment to purchase.

Key criteria for membership:
Members will at all time conduct themselves with the upmost professionalism and ethics and refrain from making any political statements or disparaging remarks that may be deemed to be offensive against any identifiable group, organization, or person.
Members will at all times abide by the Laws of Canada.
Our policy on firearms is any person who is to use a live firearm unsupervised requires a valid firearms licence.
Persons under the age of 16 require parental consent and supervision. Persons 16 to 18 will require parental consent. This includes a phone interview with the parent or guardian.

Join the line up. King and Country needs YOU!

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See us on Facebook: The Perth Regiment of Canada (Reenacted, est. 1989)