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Halliday, CSM Sinclair John Maxwell (Sinc)




Oct. 5th, 39

Teeswater, Ontario

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Halliday, CSM Sinclair John Maxwell (Sinc)
D. Coy 1943
Halliday, CSM Sinclair John Maxwell (Sinc)

D. Coy 1943

Additional Information:

qualified driver(Jul40); L/Cpl, 21Oct41; Cpl, B. Coy, 07Mar43; Cpl, 22Mar43; L/Sgt, A. Coy, 19May43; L/Sgt, A. Coy, 14Aug43(WD); L/Sgt, Ericcson, Nov43; Sgt, Sgt, post'd f/A. to D. Coy, 28Nov43(WD); Sgt, D. Coy, Crecchio, '44(Scis); former CSM, D. Coy; as RSM, 3/HLI, visit'd regt, 17Nov45(WD)

Obituary Information:
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