Gambling, Pte. Lewis Andrew
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Courtesy Tamara Louks
Courtesy Tamara Louks
Courtesy Tamara Louks
Additional Information:
21Oct41; HQ Coy, 10Sep43(WD); Ericcson, Nov43; Sigs, B. Coy HQ(23Aug44)
WIA Courtesy Kitchener Public Library. Note the article lists France. It should be Italy: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3c17f0_c32b82ab99444eeb89464a59e7b7e37b~mv2.jpg
See example of complete soldier paybook. Provided by Tamara Louks
Also See: Kenneth George Smart A11985
"Their names are Lewis Andrew Gambling (Right) and Kenneth George Smart (Left). Uncle Ken was originally from Stratford, Lewis from Preston (now Cambridge). They both lived post-war in Preston and fun fact, Ken married Lew's sister Helen. They were best of friends until their passing (Ken in 2005, Lewis 2009). In terms of relationship, my mother is Lewis' daughter."
"I do know my grandfather lied about his year of birth to enlist which I'm sure was not unusual. His service record says 1921 but he was born in 1922."
"I would love to know more about the Liri Valley time. That is where my grandfather was wounded and ended his service. At that time, he was what they called "red blanketed" meaning they didn't think he would make it home."
Tamara Louks