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Ridge, Maj. William John (Sammy) M.I.D.
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D. Coy. 1943
Additional Information:
2Lieut, 08Sep & to be TOS, 24Sep41; Lieut, ReinfUnit, 11Apr42; Lieut, transf'd C. to A. Coy, 20Jul42; Lieut, D. Coy, 12May43 & Lieut, B. Coy, 19May43(WD); Lieut TOS 19Jun43(WD); Lieut, C. Coy, 23Jun43(WD); Lieut, OC, D. Coy, 14Aug43(FRO); Lieut, D. Coy, 10Sep43(WD); Capt, Ericcson, Nov43; A/Capt, 03Dec43; Capt, 28May44(FRO); Promot'd Maj, OC, D. Coy, 16Sep44; TOS?, 27Mar45; SOS to Canada, 11Jul45(WD)
Obituary Information:
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