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MacDougall, Maj. Robert Archibald
KIA Jan. 17th, '44
Stratford, Ontario
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Courtesy G. Tipler
Courtesy Jerry Scizlowski
Additional Information:
Capt, B. Coy, Jan40(paper); Capt, 2IC, B. Coy, 24Sep41(WD); Capt, 21Oct41; TOS, 28Feb43(FRO); Capt, Sp Coy, 07Mar43; Capt, A/2-I-C BHQ & B. Coy, 12May43; TOS f/3CIRU, 17Oct43(WD); Capt, Ericcson, Nov 43; Maj, OC, C. Coy, Arielli (WD)
KIA Jan. 17th, '44
Obituary Information:
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